We have a rich offer for everyone

Fresh vegetables
Stay healthy with good vegetables from us

Fresh fruit
we have a variety of fleshy and juicy fruits

all-natural fruit juices
stay refreshed with our fruit juices

We value the idea of growing purely organic vegetables and fruits
Our journey into organic farming began in 2012 when we purchased some land for the sole purpose of growing pineapples …. We hired a couple of local farmers who were already growing pineapples on small farms next to our land to also grow pineapples on ours. The estimates and projections they gave us to cultivate pineapples turned out to be very optimistic and inaccurate. We quickly became frustrated and disillusioned with the entire process of growing pineapples for several reasons, namely: the application of many synthetic chemicals before planting, during the planting process and an application of more chemicals to induce the pineapples to fruit. Even more troubling was the spraying of the chemical know as Glyphosate (Roundup or Rodeo) for weed control.
Whilst pondering over these issues for a solution, a relative who eats only organic foods sent us some vegetable seeds to plant at the pineapple farm and this is where the idea of an organic vegetable farm really took off! We started off by growing 15 different vegetables 5 years ago. Today we grow over 40 different vegetables and have added fruits to our product line. We have educated and trained local farmers close to Sowgreen Organic Farms in organic farming and we currently support and work with them to grow organically and sell their produce at our farmer’s market to guarantee them a fair and decent price. Every vegetable and fruit from Sowgreen Organic Farms and our outgrowers are:
• 100% locally grown organic
• No synthetic fertilizers and pesticides used.
• All our weed control is done manually, mulching and other environmentally friendly methods.
• We irrigate using water drawn from a borehole sunk 100 meters into the earth to access fresh water from the underground aquifers.
• We make our own natural pest control using a combination of neem leaves/oil, black soap(alata semena), hot pepper, ginger, garlic, lemon and herbs(dill and mint).